Inspiring Breastfeeding Mamma - Rivka Maria Shahani

This image is from this evening soon after I came back from work and was nursing Ian - my 2 year, 7month old for his nap.
Yes, I nurse my almost 3 year old and we will continue to breastfeed as long as he needs and wants it. It has been the easiest and most natural choice for me. He has been exclusively breastfed from birth. I'm most grateful for "extended breastfeeding" on the worst days and longest nights. The days he is unwell and doesn't want to eat or drink anything and breast milk keeps him hydrated, the days he has hurt himself physically and is sobbing and a few seconds of nursing has him sighing in relief and the many days that he's just having a difficult time being a small person and needs his mama and his dear 'dudu', it is his safe space.
I'm sharing our story so that more families can be aware and feel confident to make an informed decision for a happy breastfeeding journey. 
Parents to be and new parents, there is a huge network in Breastfeeding Support for Indian Mothers Facebook group. For information, help, inspiration and support, there are a great source.
Editor's Note
* Here's a link to an amazing article on full term breastfeeding and all that you need to know about it -
 ** Breastfeeding benefits toddlers nutritionally, immunologically and psychologically too. This article lists out facts you need to know about the benefits of breastfeeding past infancy. 


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