Benefits Of An Uninterrupted First Hour After Birth - Supriya Narang Gupta

Image Source As a first time expecting mother, how do you picture your first couple of hours after birth? Your baby - wrapped in soft pastel colored muslin cooing in a swing in a hospital room full of anxious relatives and yourself lying down on your bed listening to wisdom from relatives? If yes – read on. Most mothers think of this as the usual postpartum routine. Some hospitals even keep the baby and mother in separate rooms so the mother can get time to “heal” and bring the baby at regular intervals to feed. Many of these mothers are told that they’re not making sufficient breastmilk and the baby must now be given formula. What medical staff forget to tell you is the importance of the first one hour after birth in establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship. Therefore it is very important to be your own advocate and educate yourself on the benefits of breastfeeding and the golden hour. Golden Hour is the first one hour after a baby’s birth...